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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Finding a good parking spot in Boston is like finding a man…impossible, but when you do find it, the parking spot I mean, it makes you take illegal U-turns and channel your inner Ludacris and tell people to “GET OUT THE WAY”.

If the cops didn't get you first, you realize that said parking space is meter parking and all you have in your pocket is a rubber band (how’d that get in there?), a dime (why does it only take quarters?!), and a crumbled piece of paper that no longer resembles its original form (I tend to wash things without checking the pockets. RIP Cannon camera).

Finally, Boston has a solution for you. Well, not really…I don’t want to give Boston too much credit. The smarty pants over at the Boston Transportation Department have found a solution! They are releasing a smart phone app in the fall of 2014 that will allow you to pay for your parking with your mobile phone so you will not give up that amazing parking spot you found! WHAT TOOK SO LONG?!

Think of it similar to your Dunkin’ Donuts of Starbucks card and you can reload it as needed. Thank you smarty pants, now on to find that man!


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